Foster Kitten Supply Wish Lists and Checklists

From milk replacer to litter boxes to scales, it takes a lot of supplies to keep kittens happy and healthy in a foster home. We’ve compiled useful resources to help you ensure these little bundles of joy have everything they need.
Online Wish Lists
Use the ASPCA Los Angeles Kitten Foster program’s online wish list to guide you in creating your own list. You can have items shipped to a central location and foster families can pick up what they need.
Make sure you update your list frequently, especially before you promote it to the public.
You may also want to check out Kitten Lady’s online list of must-have kitten supplies.
Printable Lists
It’s great if you can provide all the necessities to your foster families, but if that’s not an option, some foster families may be willing and able to purchase their own supplies. Share this handy Kitten Cart Checklist or Kitten Supply List and Tips for Foster Care and let them have fun choosing approved items for their kitties.
And consider throwing a kitten baby shower to stock up on essentials for foster caregivers.
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