Sample Documents for Cruelty Cases

In an animal cruelty case, it’s crucial that the right information is collected in an orderly way. If you’re part of a team investigating animal cruelty, these sample documents can help.
These free downloads—which you can customize for your agency—were prepared or reviewed by Dr. Robert Reisman, Supervisor of Forensic Sciences for the ASPCA’s Anti-Cruelty Group. They’re useful for anyone tasked with maintaining evidence collection logs or collecting veterinary or necropsy information.
Sample Evidence Collection and Documentation Forms
- Animal Inventory Log
- Evidence Photo Log
- Cruelty Case Evidence Receipt
- Cruelty Case Evidence Log
- Cruelty Case Packaging Record
Sample Veterinary Forensic Forms
Skin, Hair and Claw Conditions for Cats
- Condition of Hair, Skin, Claws for Short-Haired Cat
- Condition of Hair, Skin, Claws for Long-Haired Cat
- 4-Views Skin and Hair Coat for Cats
Skin, Hair and Claw Conditions for Dogs
- Condition of Hair, Skin, Claws for Short-Haired Dog
- Condition of Hair, Skin, Claws for Long-Haired Dog
- Existing Scars and Injuries
- 4-Views Skin and Hair Coat for Dogs
Documentation for Evaluations and Necropsies
- Medical Evaluation of Abuse and Neglect
- Fixed Tissue Histology Checklist
- Preliminary Veterinary Necropsy Statement
- Final Veterinary Necropsy Statement
- Necropsy Gross Examination Sheet
Sample Identification Protocol
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