They Did It: Raised More Than 25% of Their Annual Fundraising Goal During One Event

Who: Heart of the Valley Animal Shelter in Bozeman, MT
Did What: Raised $300,000 at Annual “Dog Ball”
In this interview, Heart of the Valley’s (HOV) Executive Director, Marla Caulk, talks about her shelter’s primary fundraising event and what made it so successful. Marla has worked in nonprofit leadership for the past 35 years, starting in fund development and working her way up to executive leadership positions for human service and social justice organizations. For the past eight years, she’s been at HOV in her first animal welfare role. She says the staff and volunteers at HOV make it the best job she’s ever had.
ASPCApro: Talk about your fundraising for 2023. Was there a special campaign that exceeded your goals?
MC: Our signature special event each year is our “Dog Ball” gala. This year’s theme was “Woofstock: Peace, Love and Rescue,” which took place on May 20 at the Montana State University Ballroom and was attended by 225 people. Our Director of Annual Giving, Callie Hauck, oversees the event and works with a team of volunteers on our Dog Ball Committee.
ASPCApro: Did the amount you were able to raise surprise you? What was your original goal?
MC: Our original goal for the Dog Ball event was $250,000. We raised just over $300,000, exceeding our goal by 17%. The $300,000 represents 27% of our entire fundraising goal.
ASPCApro: Why do you think it was so successful?
MC: There are several reasons why this event works well for us. First, over the years we’ve built a following of supporters who look forward to this fun event every year. Second, we make sure to tell lots of success stories about pets and people so that our supporters know how their donations make a difference. Third, we offer attendees several ways to give, including through sponsorships, silent and live auctions, and a call for cash. Having an animal-related theme and carrying out that theme through printed materials, decorations, and encouraging our guests to come in theme-related attire makes it a fun event.
“Having an animal-related theme and carrying out that theme through printed materials, decorations, and encouraging our guests to come in theme-related attire makes it a fun event.”
ASPCApro: How important are special fundraisers like this one to your organization? Why?
MC: Having a single signature event allows us to put our efforts toward one large event rather than wearing out staff, volunteers, and donors by holding several smaller events throughout the year. It’s also a great way to meet prospective new supporters who are learning about HOV for the first time.
ASPCApro: Were donations matched?
MC: Donations to the cash call were matched up to $25,000. We find that matching gifts are a great way to motivate donors because they can double their donations and help us meet specific goals.
ASPCApro: What did you do differently this year than before?
MC: We had a new auctioneer—a long-time supporter of ours—who announced the order of auction items from smallest to largest in value. He knows a lot of the people who attend, so he used humor to get bidders to give more. The highest ticket item was a week-long fishing trip to Canada that went for $17,000 after a bidding war.
ASPCApro: How was this campaign different than others?
MC: We have several fundraising activities throughout the year, but they’re not necessarily in person like Dog Ball. We do a lot of outreach through direct mail, grants, and e-blasts, and we also participate in Giving Tuesday, but this is our primary fundraising event.
ASPCApro: How are you using the funds? Are they allocated toward anything specific?
MC: The proceeds from the Dog Ball are unrestricted so we can use them for what is needed most at our shelter.
ASPCApro: How many of your staff get involved?
MC: Our development team, outreach manager, and numerous other staff are all-hands-on-deck for this event. Some help with set up and tear down, while others attend. Board members are also instrumental in the event’s success, donating toward live auction items, filling tables, and personally attending and giving. Some board members serve on the planning committee and one of our board members produced our video this year pro bono.
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