Free Services for Owned Horses in Oklahoma

Do you have a horse who needs medical care, rehoming, or requires euthanasia? We can help.
The ASPCA Equine Transition and Adoption Center (ETAC), is a new Oklahoma-based pilot program focused on helping vulnerable horses get the care they need, including new adoptive homes.
Horse owners in the state of Oklahoma in need of compassionate help can access free services for owned equines. A mobile team, including a local veterinary partner, assesses the horse(s) at the owner’s request. Based on that assessment and in partnership with the owner, ETAC offers one of the following options:
- Subsidized veterinary care when it’s best for the horse to stay at home with the owner
- Compassionate euthanasia if needed to prevent suffering
- Safe relinquishment, including any necessary medical care or training, before placement in a loving new home
Contact the Support Center
If you’re in Oklahoma, call (405) 423-1461 to learn more about the services offered.
If you’re outside Oklahoma, please email us and we’ll do our best to connect you to local supportive resources or transport your horse to a rehoming partner near you.
Since opening in the Oklahoma City area, more than 250 equines have been helped. In 2018, a similar ASPCA Regional Support Center in the Dallas area assisted nearly 60 equines.
How It Works
In the initial call, we’ll gather information and schedule a FREE appointment. At the appointment, your equine will be examined then moved to one of our re-homing partners, who will already be working to find your equine his next great home. When euthanasia is requested, we provide caring, compassionate services and, in some cases, this can be provided without having to transport your horse.
By answering a few questions, you’ll help us learn more about the needs horse owners face with the goal of expanding this program to assure a safe place for all horses in need of a new home.
Learn more about open-admission equine centers.
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