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The job postings provided on this webpage are for informational purposes only, and the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) does not confirm the accuracy or completeness of any job listing or other information submitted by any third party to this site. The ASPCA is not acting as an employment agent by providing this information nor is the ASPCA an employer with respect to any posting unless otherwise specifically stated in the posting. The ASPCA assumes no responsibility, and disclaims all liability for the content, accuracy, completeness, legality, reliability or availability of any job listing. The ASPCA is not responsible for any employment decisions, for whatever reason, made by any employer posting jobs on this webpage other than decisions related to job postings for positions with the ASPCA. Any rights or claims any person may have under any applicable law (e.g., employment, equal employment, antidiscrimination, Fair Credit Reporting Act, etc.) may only be asserted against the employer and not the ASPCA.
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